Nicoletta Adamo
Nicoletta is a Professor of Computer Graphics Technology and Purdue University Faculty Scholar. She is an award-winning animator and graphic designer and creator of several 2D and 3D animations that aired on national television. Her area of expertise is in character animation and character design and her research interests focus on the application of 3D animation technology to education, HCI (Human Computer Interaction), and visualization. Prof. Adamo is co-founder and director of the IDEAlaboratory
- Using AI to convert online video lectures into effective and inclusive agent-based presentations, NSF- RETTL, 2022-2025.
- Holographic Sign Language Interpreters for Deaf Education, Instructional Innovation Grant, 2020-2023
- Multimodal Affective Pedagogical Agents for Different Types of Learners, NSF-Cyberlearning, 2018-2023. Award # 1821894
- Multimodal Affective Agents for Different Types of Learners, Instructional Innovation Grant, 2018-2020
- Connecting Mathematical Ideas Through Animated Multimodal Instruction Elements (IES-CASL) 2013-2016
- A System of Animation Gestures for Effective Teaching Avatars (NSF Cyberlearning) 2013-2015
- VELS - A Virtual Learning Environment for Learning Surveying (NSF-TUES) 2012-2014
- IA Game - Building a serious game for teaching secure coding to introductory programming students (NSF-CCLI) 2010-2014. Award# 1022557
- Mathsigner - Software for Math Education for the Deaf (NSF-RDE) 2006-2010. Award# 0622900
- SMILE - Science and Math in an Immersive Learning Environment (NSF-RDE) 2006-2010
- The ASL System - Animation Speaks Louder (Dr. Scholl Foundation) 2009-2010
- NANOFACTOR (Mancef) 2007-2010
- 21st Century World (Mancef) 2007-2010
- Istanbul Visualization (Envision Center) 2008
- Leonardo's Universe (Museo Leonardiano, Vinci, Italy) 2008
- Future of Flight (FoF) Animation (Boeing) 2006
- Virtual lab for undergraduate instruction in microcontroller technology (ItaP TLT grant) 2005-2006
- 3D Simulator of Ocular Motion and Expression (PRF Summer Grant) 2005
- Endocyte Visualization (Endocyte, Inc.) 2004
2012-2013 Faculty Fellowship for Study in a Second Discipline,
Purdue University
2010 Idea to Product for Social Entrepreneurship Competition
First Prize (ASL: Animation Speaks Louder), Purdue University
2009 University Faculty Scholar, Purdue University
2006 CGT Outstanding Non-Tenured Faculty Award,
Purdue University
2006 Focus Award, Purdue University
2005 College of Technology Outstanding Faculty in Discovery Award,
Purdue University
2005 Burton D. Morgan Center Epics I2P Competition
Special Project Award (Mathsigner), Purdue University
2003 Initiated into Epsilon Pi Tau, an international honors fraternity
in technology in education
Refereed Journal Articles
Zhao, F., Mayer, R., Adamo-Villani, N., Mousas, C.,Choi, M., Lam, L., Mukanova,M., Hauser, K. (2025). Role of Race and Gender of Pedagogical Agents in Multimedia Learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research (accepted)
F. Zhao, R. Mayer, N. Adamo-Vilani, C. Mousas, M. Choi, L. Lam, M. Mukanova, K. Hauser (2023). Recognizing and Relating to the Race/Ethnicity and Gender of Animated Pedagogical Agents. Journal of Educational Computing Research,62(3),
Choi, M., Mousas, C., Adamo, N., Patankar, S., Hauser, K., Zhao, F., Mayer, R. (2024). ASAP: animation system for agent-based presentations. The Visual Computer.
Yang, F.-C., Mousas, C., & Adamo, N. (2022). Holographic Sign Language Avatar Interpreter: A User Interaction Study in a Mixed Reality Classroom. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 33(3-4), e2082.
Lawson, A. P., Mayer, R. E., Adamo-Villani, N., Benes, B., Lei, X., & Cheng, J. (2021). Recognizing the emotional state of human and virtual instructors. Computers in Human Behaviors (Elsevier), Volume 114, January 2021, 106554.
A.P. Lawson, R. E Mayer, N. Adamo-Villani, B. Benes, X. Lei, J.Cheng (2021). Do Learners Recognize and Relate to the Emotions Displayed By Virtual Instructors? International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (Springer)
Kappagantula, S.R.K., Adamo, N., Popescu, V., Wu, M.L. (2020). Automatic Deictic Gestures for Animated Pedagogical Agents. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-13, doi: 10.1109/TLT.2019.2922134.
Anasingaraju, S. ,Adamo, N. & Dib, H.N. (2020). The contribution of different body channels to the expression of emotion in animated pedagogical agents. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI) . DOI: 10.4018/IJTHI.2020100105
Tang, W., Adamo, N., Villani, N.J., & Dib, H.N. (2018). Rendering Style and Viewer’s Perception of Historic Virtual Architecture. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 18(16):e4 .
Adamo, N. & Dib, H. N. (2018). Does the Degree of Abstraction of Interactive Visualizations Affect Students' Learning of Surveying? In: Advanced Online Education and Training Technologies Ed: M.K. Habib. IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7010-3.ch006
Garver, S., Adamo, N., & Dib. H.N. (2018). The Impact of Visual Style on User Experience in Games. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games, 18(15): e2.
Zheng, H., Adamo, N., McGraw, T., & and Griggs, R. (2017). Using Computer Animation for Emergency Medicine Education. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol. 9, No. 4, 354 - 368. DOI: 10.1504/IJTEL.2017.10006473
Cui, J., Popescu, V., Adamo, N., Cook, S., Duggan, K., & Friedman, H. (2017). An Animation Stimuli System for Research on Instructor Gestures in Education. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 72-83, 2017, doi: 10.1109/MCG.2017.3271471
Dib, H. & Adamo, N. (2016). A virtual steel sculpture for structural engineering education: development and initial findings. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, vol. 44, no.4, 430-449. doi: 10.1177/0047239515626704
Adamo, N., & Anasingaraju, S. (2016). Toward the ideal signing avatar. EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning | Volume 3 | Issue 11 | e1
- Dib, H. & Adamo, N. (2016). A virtual steel sculpture for structural engineering education: development and initial findings. Journal of Educational Technology Systems (JETS).
- Adamo, N. & Dib, H.N. (2015). A Study of the Effects of Teaching Avatars on Students’ Learning of Surveying Mathematics. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE) DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2016040101
- Yu, J. Dib, H.N., Adamo, N. (2015). A Study of the Effects of First Person versus Third Person View in Educational Animation. EAI Transactions on e-Learning. doi: 10.4108/el.2.6.e2
- Adamo, N. & Dib, H. (2014). Online Virtual Learning Environments: a Review of Two Projects. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE), IGI Global. Issue (4) 1, Spring 2014. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8619-9.ch002
- Dib, H., Adamo, N. & Garver, S. (2014). Realistic versus schematic visualizations for learning surveying practices: a comparative study. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE). IGI Global. Issue #38 (Vol. 10 N. 2), Apr-Jun 2014. DOI: 10.4018/ijicte.2014040106
- Dib, H. and Adamo, N. (2014). Serious Sustainability Challenge Game to Promote Teaching and Learning of Building Sustainability. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 28, SPECIAL ISSUE, A4014007.
- Nilforooshan#, R., Adamo, N. & Dib, H. (2013). A study of the effects of computer animation on college students’ learning of “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – LEED”. EAI Transactions on e-Learning, 13(3) e3. ( )
- Adamo*, N. & Dib, H. (2013). Evaluating technology-based educational interventions: a review of two projects. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 41(4), 295-317.
- Dib*, H., Adamo, N. & Garver+, S. (2014). An interactive virtual environment for learning differential leveling: development and initial findings. Advances in Engineering Education (ASEE), Vol. 4 No. 1, Winter 2014.
- Yoo*#, I., Vanek#, J., Nizovtseva#, M., Adamo, N. & Benes, B. (2013). Sketching Human Character Animations by Composing Sequences from Large Motion Database. The Visual Computer, May 2013 (Springer). Available at:
- Dib*, H., Adamo, N. & Issa Raja R. (2013). A GIS - Based Visual Information model for Building Construction Project Management. International Journal of Construction Management (IJCM), 1(1), 1-18.
- Adamo*, N., Oania#, M. & Cooper, S. (2012). Using a Serious Game Approach to Teach Secure Coding in Introductory Programming: Development and Initial Findings. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 41(2), 107-131.
- Adamo*, N., Popescu, V. &Lestina+, J. (2012). A non-expert user interface for posing signing avatars: design and initial evaluation. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 2012 Jul 13; 2278902.
Dib*, H. & Adamo, N. (2011). An innovative software application for Surveying Education. Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Education (Wiley). - Dib*, H. &Adamo, N. (2011). An e-tool for undergraduate surveying education: design and evaluation. ICST Transactions on e-Education and e-Learning, July–September 2011 | Volume 11 | Issues 7–9 | e5.
- Richardson*, J. & Adamo, N. (2010). A Virtual Embedded Microcontroller Laboratory for Undergraduate Education: Development and Evaluation. Engineering Design Graphics Journal (ASEE), 74(3), 1-12.
- Adamo*, N. & Wilbur, R. (2010). Software for Math and Science Education for the Deaf. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 5(2), 115-124.
- Popescu*, V., Rosen#, P. & Adamo, N. (2009). The Graph Camera. ACM Transactions on Computer Graphics, article number 158. (Also presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2009).
- Adamo*, N. (2008). 3D rendering of American Sign Language finger-spelling: a comparative study of two animation techniques. IJHSS - International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(4), 318-323.
- Dyer*#, S. & Adamo, N. (2008). Animated versus static user interfaces: a study of Mathsigner. IJHSS - International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 118-123.
- Adamo*, N. & Wilbur, R. (2008). Two Novel Technologies for Accessible Math and Science Education. IEEE Multimedia – Special Issue on Accessibility, October -December 2008, 38-46. DOI: 10.1109/MMUL.2008.97
- Adamo*, N. & Jones#, D. (2007). Travel in immersive virtual learning environments: a user study with children. IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems (IJCSIS), 2(2), 151-161.
- Adamo*, N. (2006). A virtual learning environment for deaf children: design and evaluation. IJHSS – International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 2(2), 124-129.
- Adamo*, N. & Beni, G. (2006). Sign language subtitling by highly comprehensible ‘semantroids’. Journal of Educational Technology Systems (JETS), 35(1), 61-86.
- Beni*, G., & Adamo-Villani, N. (2006). Semantic intensity: A measure of visual relevance. Journal of INFORMATION, 9(3), 437-468.
- Adamo*, N., Beni, G., & White+, J. (2005). EMOES: Eye Motion and Ocular Expression Simulator. IJIT – International Journal of Information Technology, 2(3), 170-176.
- Adamo*, N., & Beni, G. (2005). An interactive computer animation method for learning instrument grasp. Journal of INFORMATION, 8(1), 89-108.
- Adamo*, N., Doublestein+, J., & Martin+, Z. (2005). Sign language for K-8 mathematics by 3D interactive animation. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 33(3), 243-259.
- Adamo*, N., & Beni, G. (2004). A new method of hand gesture configuration and animation. Journal of INFORMATION, 7(3), 367-386.
- Adamo*, N., & Beni, G. (2004). Automated fingerspelling by highly realistic 3D animation. British Journal of Educational Technology, 35(3), 345-362.
Refereed Conference Papers
Hauser,K., Mousas, C., Adamo, N., Choi, M., Mayer, R., Zhao, F. (2024). The Effect of Dynamic Facial Asymmetries on the Perceived Believability, Appeal, and Naturalness of Animated Agents. ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, pp. 1-8.
Patankar, S. & Adamo, N. (2025).The effect of different design elements on the perception of an animated character’s appeal. HCI International 2025. Springer LNCS (accepted)
Hu, D., Choi, M., Giri, N., Mousas, C., Adamo-Villani, N. (2025). Perceptions of AI in Animation Production. EvoMUSART 2025 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design. Springer LNCS (accepted)
Guo, N. Adamo, C. Mousas. Developing a Scale for Measuring the Believability of Virtual Agents. International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, December 2023.
Adamo, N. & Mousas, C. (2023). Converting video lectures into effective and inclusive animated presentations. ANIMAFEST SCANNER X, June 6-7, 2023, Zagreb, Croatia, p.11.
Lam, L., Choi, M., Mukanova, M., Hauser, K., Zhao, F., Mayer, R., Mousas, C., Adamo, N. (2023). Effects of Body Type and Voice Pitch on Perceived Audio-Visual Correspondence and Believability of Virtual Characters. SAP '23: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, August 23, Los Angeles. Article No.: 3, pp. 1–11.
Mukanova, M., Lam, L., Choi, M., Hauser, K., Mousas, C., Adamo, N. (2023). Animated pedagogical agents performing affective gestures extracted from the GEMEP Dataset: can people recognize their emotions? ArtsIT - 12th International Conference: ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation, Nov. 2023.
Mehrez, A., Adamo, N., Giri, N., Larson, D. (2023). Fiat Lux! Does the lighting design affect viewers’ perception of an animated character's personality? HCI in Games: 5th International Conference, HCI-Games 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, 2023, pp. 263–272.
Heller, J., Adamo, N., Giri, N., Larson, D. (2023). Does the voice reveal more emotion than the face? A study with animated agents. HCI in Games: 5th International Conference, HCI-Games 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, 2023, pp. 229–242.
Yang, F.-C., Mousas, C., & Adamo, N. (2022). Holographic Sign Language Interpreters. Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Educator's Forum Article No. 8. ACM Digital Library.
Wei, M., Adamo, N., Giri, N., Chen, Y. (2022). A Comparative Study of Four 3D Facial Animation Methods: Skeleton, Blendshape, Audio-Driven, and Vision-Based Capture. Proc. of EAI ArtsIT 2022, Nov. 2022, Faro, Portugal. To appear in Springer Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST, volume X)
Hou, T., Adamo, N., & Villani, N.J. (2022). Micro-expressions in animated agents. Proc. of IHSI 2022 -International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration.
Zhou, W., Cheng, J., Lei, X., Benes, B., & Adamo-Villani, N. (2020). Deep Learning-based Emotion Recognition from Real-Time Videos. Proc. of HCI International 2020, Denmark, July 2020. Springer.
Cheng, J., Zhou, W., Lei, W., Adamo-Villani, N., & Benes, B. (2020). The Effects of Body Gestures and Gender on Viewer’s Perception of Animated Pedagogical Agent’s Emotions. Proc. of HCI International 2020, Denmark, July 2020. Springer.
Adamo,N., Benes, B., Mayer, R. E., Lei, X., Wang, Z., Meyer, Z., Lawson, A. (2021). Multimodal Affective Pedagogical Agents for Different Types of Learners. International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1322. Springer, Cham.
Dixuan Cui, Christos Mousas, David Whittinghill and Nicoletta Adamo (2021). Effects of Facial Expressions in 3D Game on Japanese Language Learning. Proc. of ANIVAIE 2021 (IEEE) (accepted)
Hammer, M. & Adamo, N. (2019). Audience Perception of Exaggerated Motions on Realistic Animated Animal Characters. Proc. of ArtsIT 2019, Denmark. Springer.
Adamo N., Dib H.N., Villani N.J. (2019) Animated Agents’ Facial Emotions: Does the Agent Design Make a Difference?. In: De Paolis L., Bourdot P. (eds) Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics. AVR 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11613. Springer.
Park, J., Adamo, N., Proctor, R. (2019). Does a Virtual Character’s Visual Style Affect Audience Empathy and Sympathy? Proc. of HCI International 2019, 26 - 31 July, Orlando, FL. Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-22660-2_35
Badathala, S., Adamo, N. , Villani, N.J., & Dib, H.D. (2018). The effect of gait parameters on the perception of animated pedagogical agents' personality. Proc. of Salento AVR 2018 – 5th International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics, June 24-27, 2018, Lecce, Italy (Springer).
Adamo, N., Cheng, J. (2018). Multimodal Affective Animated Agents for Different Types of Learners. CVMP - The 15th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production. London, December 2018.
Dib.,H. N. & Adamo, N. (2017). An Augmented Reality Environment for Students’ Learning of Steel Connection Behavior. Proc. of ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering (IWCCE 2017), June 25-27, University of Washington
Anasingaraju, S., Popescu, V., Adamo, N., & Wu, M.L. (2016). Digital Learning Activities Delivered by Eloquent Instructor Avatars: Scaling with Problem Instance. Proc. of Siggraph Asia 2016 – Education Symposium. ACM Digital Library.
Adamo N. & Anasingaraju, S. (2016). Holographic signing avatars for deaf education. Proc. of e-LEOT 2016, September 2016, Dublin, Ireland. Springer.
Adamo, N. & Wilbur R. (2015). ASL-pro: Sign Language animation with prosodic elements. Proc. of HCI International 2015, August 3-7 2015, Los Angeles.
Jen, T. & Adamo, N. (2015). A study of the effects of rendering style on perception of sign language animation. Proc. of HCI International 2015, August 3-7 2015, Los Angeles.
Adamo, N., Lestina, J. Anasingaraju, S. (2015). Does Character's Visual Style Affect Viewer's Perception of Signing Avatars? Proc. of e-LEOT 2015, 2nd EAI International Conference on e-Learning e-Education and Online Training, September 16-18 2015, Novedrate, Italy. Springer.
Rajasekaran, S. & Adamo, N. (2015). Senescence: a character simulation framework with support for age. Proc. of IV 2015- 19th International Conference on Information Visualization, July 21-24 2015, Barcelona, Spain. IEEE digital library. DOI: 10.1109/iV.2015.86
Adamo, N., Popescu, V., Cui, J. (2014) Scripted animation toward scalable content creation for e-Learning: a quality analysis.Proceedings of e-LEOT - 1st International Conference on e-Learning e-Education and Online Training, Bethesda, Maryland, September 2014. Springer.
Yu, J., Dib, H., Adamo, N. (2014). Computer animation for learning building construction management: a comparative study of first person versus third person view. Proceedings of e-LEOT - 1st International Conference on e-Learning e-Education and Online Training, Bethesda, Maryland, September 2014. Springer.
Cui, J., Adamo, N., Popescu, V. (2014). Charismatic and Eloquent Instructor Avatars with Scriptable Gesture. Proceedings of Siggraph 2014 - Talks, August 2014, Vancouver.
Popescu, V., Adamo, N., Wu, M.L., Rajasekaran, S., Alibali, M., Nathan, M. & Wagner-Cook, S. (2014). Animation killed the video star. Proceedings of CHI 2104 Workshop on Gesture-based Interaction Design: Communication and Cognition, Toronto, Canada, April 2014. ACM Digital Library, 55-59.
- Dib, H., Adamo, N. & Garver, S. (2014). An Interactive Virtual Environment to Improve Undergraduate Students Competence in Surveying Mathematics. Proceedings of ICCCBE 2014, Orlando, FL, June 2014, 2119-2126.
- Adamo*, N., Cutler#, R., Haley-Hermiz#, T. (2013). Using a serious game approach to teach “Operator Precedence” to introductory programming students. Proc. of IV 2013- 17th International Conference on Information Visualisation - Symposium on Computer Games and their applications, July 2013, London. IEEE Digital Library. DOI: 10.1109/IV.2013.70
- Dib*, H., Adamo, N. & Garver+, S. (2013). An Interactive Virtual Environment for Teaching “Triangulations and Coordinates Calculations” to Surveying Students. Proc. of IV 2013- 17th International Conference on Information Visualisation- Symposium on Multimedia and e-Learning, July 2013, London. IEEE Digital Library. DOI: 10.1109/IV.2013.58
- Dib*, H., Adamo, N. & Garver+, S. (2013). An interactive virtual environment for learning differential leveling. AWER Procedia Information Technology & Computer Science, 3, pp. 1241-1246.
- Dib*, H., Adamo, N. & Nilforooshan#, R. (2012). A serious game for learning sustainable design and LEED concepts. Proceedings of 2012 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, June 17-20, 2012. Clearwater Beach, FL.
- Adamo*, N., Oania#, M., Brown#, J. Whittinghill, D. & Cooper, S. (2012). Building a serious game to teach secure coding in introductory programming courses. Proceedings of Eurographics 2012 - Educators, Cagliari, Italy (accepted). EG Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N., & Popescu, V. (2012). A novel user interface for posing signing avatars. Proceedings of CSUN 2012 - The 27th Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference, February-March 2012, San Diego, CA.
- Adamo*, N., Kasenga+, J., Jen+, T. & Colbourn+, B. (2011). The Effect of Ambient Occlusion Shading on Perception of Sign Language Animations. Proceedings. of ICCEIT 2011, Nov. 28-30, Venice, Italy, 1840-1844.
- Dib*, H., Adamo, N. &Issa, R. (2011). A GIS-based Integrated Information Model to Improve Building Construction Management: Design and Initial Evaluation. Proceedings of CONVR 2011 International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Germany, 769-781.
- Dib*, H. & Adamo, N. (2011). An e-tool for assessing undergraduate students’ learning of surveying concepts and practices. Proceedings of IT Revolutions 2011, 23-25 March 2011, Cordoba, Spain. Springer Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. LNICST 82, pp. 189–201, 2012.
- Adamo*, N., Hayward+, K., Lestina+, J. &Wilbur, R. (2010). Effective animation of sign language with prosodic elements. Proceedings of Siggraph 2010 – Talks, July 2010, Los Angeles. ACM Digital Library.
- Hayward*+, K., Adamo, N. & Lestina+, J. (2010). A computer animation system for creating deaf-accessible math and science curriculum materials. Proceedings of Eurographics 2010 – Education Papers, May 2010, Norrkoping, Sweden. EG Digital Library.
- Dib*, H. & Adamo, N. (2010). Assessing the effectiveness of Virtual Environments for learning the fundamentals of Surveying and Construction Layout: initial findings. Proceedings of CIB 2010 Conference, November 2010, Cairo, Egypt. Paper w78-2010-79.
- Dib*, H., Adamo N., Crawford, W. & Keith, D. (2010). Virtual Reality for learning construction surveying. Proceedings of ICCCBE 2010 – International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, June - July, 2010, Nottingham, UK. Paper 293, 585-591.
- Adamo*, N. & E. Johnson# (2010). Virtual Heritage Applications: the 3D tour of MSHHD. Proceedings of ICCSIT 2010 - International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, April 28-30, Rome, Italy, 666-671.
- Johnson*#, E. & Adamo, N. (2010). A study of the effects of immersion on short-term spatial memory. Proceedings of ICCSIT 2010 - International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, April 28-30, Rome, Italy, 582-587.
- Abe-Harris*, L. & Adamo, N. (2009). Effects of Culture on the Pre-Production Design of the HIV Game. Proceedings of Siggraph Asia 2009 - Educators, Yokohama, Japan. ACM Digital Library.
- Clase*, K., Adamo, N., Gooding#, L., Yadav, A., Karpicke, J. & Gentry, M. (2009). Exploring the use of interactive virtual environments for enhancing student creativity in synthetic biology. Gordon Research Conference - Visualization in Science and Education, 26-31 July, Oxford, UK.
- Adamo*, N., Wilbur, R., Eccarius, P. & Abe-Harris, L. (2009). Effects of character geometric model on the perception of sign language animation. Proceedings of IV09 -13th International Conference on Information Visualisation, 14-17 July, Barcelona, 72-75. IEEE Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N. (2009). Digital and Virtual Architecture: a review of two projects. Proceedings of Digital Humanities 2009, 22-25 June, University of Maryland, 49-51.
- Adamo, N., Johnson#, E. & Penrod+, T. (2009). Virtual Reality on the Web: the 21st Century Project. Proceedings. of m-ICTE 2009 -5th Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Information and Communication Technologies in Education, 22-24 April, Lisbon, 622-626.
- Clase*, K., Adamo N., Gooding#, L. &Yadav, A. (2009). Enhancing Creativity in Synthetic Biology with Interactive Virtual Environments. Proceedings of FIE 2009, 18-21 October, San Antonio, TX. IEEE Digital Library, Article T3D-1.
- Adamo*, N. (2008). 3D rendering of American Sign Language finger-spelling: a comparative study of two animation techniques. Proceedings of ICCIT 2008 - 5th International Conference on Computer and Instructional Technologies, 29-31 October 2008, Venice, Italy, Vol. 34, 807- 812.
- Fiamma*, P. & Adamo, N. (2008). Virtual Reality Technology in Museums: an Immersive Exhibit for the "Museo Leonardiano". Proceedings of VSMM08 - Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia dedicated to Digital Heritage, 20-26 October 2008, Cyprus, 261-267. Also available in Eurographics Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N., Arns, L., Braun, D., Moreland#, J. & Sozen, M. (2008). Samarkand on the Euxine: The Cyber City of the Future. TeraGrid '08 - the 3rd Annual TeraGrid Conference, 9-13 June 2008, Las Vegas. Visualization Gallery Entry 13 (Available at: )
- Rosen*#, P., Popescu, V. & Adamo, N. (2008). The Graph Camera. Proceedings of Siggraph 2008 - Late-breaking work. ACM Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N., Wilbur, R. & Wasburn, M. (2008). Gender differences in usability and enjoyment of VR educational games: a study of SMILE™. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Information Visualization (IV08), 114-119. IEEE Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N. & Wilbur, R. (2008). Effects of platform (immersive versus non-immersive) on usability and enjoyment of a virtual learning environment for deaf and hearing children. Proceedings of EGVE 2008 – 14th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments- poster papers, May 2008, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. EG Digital Library.
- Dyer*#, S. & Adamo, N. (2008). Animated versus static user interfaces: a study of Mathsigner™. Proceedings of ICEIT 2008- 5th International Conference on Education and Information Technologies, 25-27 April 2008, Rome, Italy, 457-462.
- Adamo*, N., Heisler#, J. & Arns, L. (2007). Two gesture recognition systems for immersive math education for the Deaf. ACM Proceedings of IMMERSCOM 2007, 10-12 October 2007, Verona, Italy. ACM Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N. & Wilbur, R. (2007). An immersive game for K-5 math and science education. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Information Visualization (IV07), 2-6 July 2007, Zurich, 921-924. IEEE Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N. & Wilbur, R. (2007). Novel approaches to Deaf education. Proceedings of NSF First International Conference on Technology-Based Learning with Disability (LWD-07), 19-20 July 2007, 13-21, Dayton, OH. Dayton, OH: Wright State University and the National Science Foundation.
- Adamo*, N. & Wright+, K. (2007). SMILE: an immersive learning game for deaf and hearing children. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2007- Educators, 5-10 August 2007, San Diego. ACM Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N., & Jones#, D. (2007). Travel in SMILE: A study of two immersive motion control techniques. Proceedings of IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization 2007, 5-7 July 2007, Lisbon, 43-49.
- Adamo*, N., Benes, B. & Brisbin#, M. (2006). A natural interface for sign language mathematics. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2006), 6-8 November 2006, Lake Tahoe, 1, 70-79. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Richardson*, J., Adamo, N. Carpenter#, E., & Moore, G. (2006). Designing and implementing a virtual 3D microcontroller laboratory environment. Proceedings of 2006 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2006), 28-30 October 2006, San Diego. IEEE Digital Library, Article M1D-1.
- Adamo*, N., Carpenter#, E. & Arns, L. (2006). An immersive virtual environment for learning sign language mathematics. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2006 - Educators, 30 July - 3 August 2006, Boston. ACM Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N., Carpenter#, E. & Arns, L. (2006). 3D sign language mathematics in immersive environment. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modeling (ASM 2006), 26-28 June 2006, Rhodes, 382-387. Calgary, AB: ACTA Press.
- Adamo*, N., Richardson J., Carpenter#, E. & Moore, G. (2006). A photorealistic 3D virtual laboratory for undergraduate instruction in microcontroller technology. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2006 - Educators, 30 July - 3 August 2006, Boston. ACM Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N., Beni, G. & White+, J. (2005). 3D simulator of ocular motion and expressions. Proceedings of VI International Conference on Enformatika, Systems Sciences and Engineering (ESSE 2005)-Transactions on Enformatika, 26-28 October 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 8, 122-127. Istanbul, Turkey: International Academy of Sciences.
- Fiala*#, P. & Adamo, N. (2005). ARpm: An Augmented Reality interface for polygonal modeling. Proceedings of 4th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2005), 5-8 October 2005, Vienna, Austria, 196-197. IEEE Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N. & Beni, G. (2005). Sign language subtitling. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2005 – Educators, 31 July – 4 August 2005, Los Angeles. ACM Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N. & Beni, G. (2005). Reconfigurable keyboard for gesture control. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2005), 22-27 July 2005, Las Vegas, on CD. Saint Louis, MO: Mira Digital Publishing.
- Adamo*, N. & Beni, G. (2004). Keyboard-controlled signing semantroid. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV04), 6-9 December, Kunming, China, 741-746. IEEE Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N. & Beni, G. (2004). Grasp and release using keyboard user interface. Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping (IMG04), 1-2 July 2004, Italy, 72-76. Italy: University of Genova, Department of Mechanics and Machine Design.
- Adamo*, N., Doublestein+, J. & Martin+, Z. (2004). The MathSigner: An interactive learning tool for American Sign Language K-3 mathematics. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Information Visualization (IV04), 14-16 July 2004, London, 713-716. IEEE Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N. & Beni, G. (2004). Keyboard encoding of facial expressions. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Information Visualization-HCI symposium (IV04), 14-16 July 2004, London, 324-328. IEEE Digital Library.
- Adamo*, N., Chourasia#, A. & Cory, C. (2004). Production interface for web deliverable interactive 3D facial animation. Proceedings of 12th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG-04), 2-6 February 2004, Czech Republic, on CD, Vol. 12. Plzen, Czech Republic: UNION Agency-Science Press.
- Adamo*, N. & Beni, G. (2003). Design and benchmarking of human-computer interface for keyboard encoding of hand gestures. Proceedings of First International Workshop on Interactive Rich Media Content Production: Architectures, Technologies, Applications, Tools, 9-10 October 2003, Switzerland, 149-159. Lausanne: EPFL.
- Adamo*, N. & Beni, G. (2003). Keyboard encoding of hand gestures. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2003), 22-27 June 2003, Crete. In: Human - Computer Interaction: Theory and Practice (Part II) Vol. 2, 571-575.
- Adamo*, N. & Beni, G. (2002). Teaching mathematics in sign language by 3D computer animation. Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTE 2002), 13-16 November 2002, Spain, 2, 918-921. Badajoz, Spain: Sociedad de la Information.
Book Chapters
- Adamo, N., Clase, K., Heyden, R. & Wiecha, J. (2011). Web-based 3D Virtual Learning Environments. In: Constructing Self-Discovery Learning Spaces Online: Scaffolding and Decision Making Technologies. Hai-Jew, Shalin (Ed.). IGI Global Publishing, Ch. 6, 95-118.
- Adamo, N. & Hayward+, K. (2010). Signing Avatars. In: Virtual Immersive and 3D Learning Spaces: Emerging Technologies and Trends; Hai-Jew, Shalin (Ed.). IGI Global Publishing, Ch. 13, 249-267.
- Bertoline, G., Hartman, N. & Adamo, N. (2009). Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Visualization. In: Springer Handbook of Automation; Nof, Shimon, Y. (Ed.). Ch. 37, 639-651.
Abstracts and posters
- Yoo,* I., Vanek, J., Adamo, N., Nizovtseva, M. & Benes, B. (2013). Sketching 3D Animations using CUDA. GPU Technology Conference. Poster GP01. San Jose, CA.
- Adamo*, N. (2013). Building a serious game to teach secure coding to introductory programming students. Proc. of 2013 NSF-TUES PI Conference - Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM, Washington DC. Abstract and poster # 83, p. A45.
- Dib* H., Adamo, N. & Oania, M. (2011). The VELS: Virtual Learning Environment for Learning Surveying. College of Technology Convocation. Poster.
- Adamo*, N. & Wilbur, R. (2010). Accessible Mathematics for Young Deaf Children. Proceedings of Technology and Deaf Education International Symposium, June 21 - 23, 2010, RIT-NTID, Rochester, NY.
- Adamo*, N. (2009). Virtual Reality and Cultural Heritage: the Muscatatuck project. Proceedings of CAA 2009 - 37th international conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, March 22-26, Williamsburg, Virginia, 272-273.
- Adamo*, N.(2009). Software for Math Education for the Deaf. NSF-JAM (Joint Annual Meeting) 2009. Washington, DC. Poster.
- Giasolli*, R., Adamo, N. & Barton, M. (2008). The 21st Century World. COMS 2008 International Conference on Commercialization of micro and nano systems , 31 August - 4 September, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Poster and Animation entry with presentation.
- Shaw*, D., Adamo, N. & Miller, C. Future of Flight Animation. Eurographics 2006- Animation Gallery, Vienna Austria. Animation entry. Available on the Eurographics 2006 Showcase DVD.
- Shaw, D., Miller, C. & Adamo, N. (2006). “Future of Flight” Animation. A PLM engagement project between Purdue, Boeing and 3DH. College of Technology Convocation. Poster.
- Adamo*, N., Gooding#, L. & Bartek+, J. (2004). 3D animation illustrating receptor-targeted therapeutics. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Information Visualization-Animation Festival (IV04), 14-16 July 2004, London, on DVD.
Industry Engagement:
- NANOFACTOR (Mancef / EDucate for Tomorrow) 2007-2010
- 21st Century World (Mancef) 2007-2010
- Istanbul Visualization (Envision Center) 2008
- Leonardo's Universe (Museo Leonardiano, Vinci, Italy) 2008
- Future of Flight (FoF) Animation (Boeing) 2006
- Virtual lab for undergraduate instruction in microcontroller technology (ItaP TLT grant) 2005-2006
- 3D Simulator of Ocular Motion and Expression (PRF Summer Grant) 2005
- Endocyte Visualization (Endocyte, Inc.) 2004