Thomas Hacker

KNOY 223
401 North Grant Street
Thomas Hacker is a Professor of Computer & Information Technology at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. His research interests are in the areas of cloud computing, operating systems, computer networking, high-performance computing, and cyber infrastructure. He has a B.S. in Physics and a B.S. in Computer Science from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- PhD (Computer Science and Engineering), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, 2004.
- MS (Computer Science and Engineering), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI, 1993.
- BS (Computer Science, Mathematics Minor), Oakland University Rochester, MI, 1989.
- BS (Physics), Oakland University Rochester, MI, 1989.
- 2013 - Purdue Seed for Success Award - NEES
- 2013 - Faculty Fellow, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
- 2012 - Purdue Seed for Success Award - U.S. Compact Muon Solenoid Operations at Large Hadron Collider
- 2012 - Purdue Seed for Success Award - George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Operations
- 2012 - ASEE Information Systems Division Best Paper Award
- 2012 - Purdue University Faculty Scholar
- 2011 - Purdue Seed for Success Award - NEES Amendments 7 & 8
- 2010 - NSF CAREER Award
- 2010 - College of Technology Outstanding Faculty in Discovery Award
- 2010 - NSF Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Best Community Contribution for Innovation in IT - SingleShot and PEN Data Management System with Christopher Stanton, Robert Kent, Greg Rodgers, and Ian Mathew
- 2010 - Purdue Seed for Success Award
- 2009 - College of Technology Outstanding Non-Tenured Faculty Member Award
- 2009 - Computer and Information Technology Outstanding Non-Tenured Faculty Member Award
- 2008 - Purdue Seed for Success Award
Book Chapters
Hacker, T. J., Dyke, S. J. (2017). Cyberinfrastructure to Empower Scientific Research. Whither Turbulence and Big Data in the 21st Century? (pp. 483–495). Springer International Publishing.
Pollard, A., Hacker, T. J., Dyke, S. J. (2017). Whither Turbulence and Big Data for the Twenty-First Century. Whither Turbulence and Big Data in the 21st Century? (pp. 551–574). Springer International Publishing.
- T. Hacker, Towards a Reliable Cloud Computing Service. (2009) (S. Ahson Ed.). Cloud Computing and Software Services New York, NY: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Refereed Articles and Conference Papers/Presentations/Abstracts
Hacker, T.J., Kaushal, D., Chu, Z. (2023) "EL2W: Extended Layer 2 Services for Bare-Metal Provisioning Over WAN," 2023 IEEE Cloud Summit, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2023, pp. 64-71, doi: 10.1109/CloudSummit57601.2023.00017.
Zhang, X., Eric Wogen, B., Chu, Z., Dyke, S. J., Poston, R., Hacker, T., Ramirez, J., Liu, X., Iturburu, L., Baah, P., & Hunter, J. (2023). Machine-Supported Bridge Inspection Image Documentation Using Artificial Intelligence. Transportation Research Record, 2677(5), 720-736.
Ju An Park, Xiaoyu Liu, Chul Min Yeum, Shirley J. Dyke, Max Midwinter, Jongseong Choi, Zhiwei Chu, Thomas Hacker, Bedrich Benes (2022). “Multi-output Image Classification to Support Post-Earthquake Reconnaissance“ ASCE's Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 36, Issue 6 (December 2022) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001755.
Hacker, T., Smith, P., Brunson, D., Arafune, L., & Cheatham, T. (2022). Building the Research Innovation Workforce: Challenges and Recommendations from a Virtual Workshop to Advance the Research Computing Community. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’22), July 10–14, 2022, Boston, MA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.
Rong, C., Geng, J., Hacker T.J., Bryhni, H., & Jaatun, M. (2022). OpenIaC open infrastructure as code the network is my computer. Journal of Cloud Computing, 11(1), 1-13.
Smith, P. M., Gough, E., Younts, A.,Werts, B., Hacker, T. J., Neumeister, N., & Wisecaver, J. (2020). The "Geddes" Composable Platform-An Evolution of Community Clusters for a Composable World. 2020 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Interoperability of Supercomputing and Cloud Technologies (SuperCompCloud), November 2020.
Yeum, C. M., Dyke, S. J., Benes, B., Hacker, T., Ramirez, J., Lund, A., & Pujol, S. (2019). Postevent reconnaissance image documentation using automated classification. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 33(1), 04018103, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001253
Hassam, P., Irfanoglu, A., & Hacker, T. J. (2019). A Method to Estimate Effective Viscous Damping Ratio and Restoring Force From the Dynamic Response Data of Structures. Frontiers in Built Environment, 5, 19.
C. M. Yeum, S. J. Dyke, B. Benes, T. Hacker, J. Ramirez, A. Lund, C. Sim, and S. Pujol (2018). "Automating Damage Classification in Post-Earthquake Building Images," Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, June 25-29, 2018. Oral presentation with full paper published in proceedings based on accepted abstract.
Mohan, A., Kaseb, A. S., Lu, Y. H., & Hacker, T. (2018). Adaptive resource management for analyzing video streams from globally distributed network cameras. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 10.1109/TCC.2018.2836907.
- F. Zafari, I. Papapanagiotou & Hacker, T.J. (2018). A Novel Bayesian Filtering Based Algorithm for RSSI-Based Indoor Localization, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kansas City, MO, 2018, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/ICC.2018.8423012
- Nanda. S., and Hacker T. (2018). RACC: Resource-Aware Container Consolidation using a Deep Learning Approach. Machine Learning for Computing Systems (MLCS) Workshop, June 2018, Tempe, AZ.
- Mohan, A., Kaseb, A., Gauen, K., Lu, Y., Reibman, A., Hacker, T. (2018). Determining the Necessary Frame Rate of Video Data for Object Tracking under Accuracy and Cost Constraints. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval 2018, April 10-12, 2018, Miami, FL.
Hacker, T., Dyke, S., Ozdagli, A., Marshall, G., Thompson, C., Rohler, B., Yeum, C. (2017). A Researcher-oriented Automated Data Ingestion Tool for Rapid Data Processing, Visualization and Preservation. Advances in Engineering Software, Vol 114, pp. 134-143, DOI: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2017.06.019, Elsevier.
Nanda, S., & Hacker T. (2017). TAG: Traffic-Aware Global Live Migration to Enhance User Experience of Cloud Applications, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), Dec 11 – 14, Hong Kong, pp. 202-209.
Zafari, F., Papapanagiotou, I., Devetsikiotis, M., & Hacker, T. (2017). Enhancing the Accuracy of iBeacons for Indoor Proximity-based Services, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 21-25, Paris, France, pp. 1-7.
C.M. Yeum, S.J. Dyke, B. Bedrich, T. Hacker, J. Ramirez, A. Lund, & S. Pujol, Rapid, Automated Post-Event Image Classification for Documentation. (2017) Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, Pavia, Italy, September 6-8, 2017.
Hacker, T. , Pais, R., & Rong, C. (2017). A Markov Random Field Based Approach for Analyzing Supercomputer System Logs. in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2017.2678473
St. John, J. , Hacker, T. (2017). A Small-scale Testbed for Large-Scale Reliable Computing, IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems, May 29 – June 2, 2017, Buena Vista Palace Hotel, Orlando, FL.
C.M. Yeum, S.J. Dyke, J. Ramirez, T. Hacker, C. Kim, and S. Pujol (2017). Structured Annotation of Semantic Contents on Images from Earthquake Reconnaissance. Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile January 11-15, 2017. Oral presentation with full paper published in proceedings based on accepted abstract.
Hesam, P., Irfanoglu, A., & Hacker, T. (2017). Estimating Equivalent Damping in Reinforced Concrete Buildings Responding to Earthquake Ground Motions. Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile January 11-15, 2017. Oral presentation with full paper published in proceedings based on accepted abstract.
Diao, K., Papapanagiotou, I., Hacker, T. J. (2016). HARENS: Hardware Accelerated Redundancy Elimination in Network System. Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2016).
Mohan, A., Kaseb, A., Lu, Y.-h., Hacker, T. J. (2016). Location Based Cloud Resource Management for Analyzing Real-Time Videos from Globally Distributed Network Cameras. Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2016).
Nanda, S., Hacker, T. J., Lu, Y.-h. (2016). Predictive Model for Dynamically Provisioning Resources in Multi-Tier Web Applications. Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2016).
Lu, Y.-h., Hacker, T. J., Zoltowski, C., Allebach, J. P. (2016). Cross-Cohort Research Experience for Project Management and Leadership Development. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. ASEE.
Chen, W., Lu, Y.-h., Hacker, T. J. (2015). Adaptive Cloud Resource Allocation for Analyzing Many Video Streams.. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science.
Wiktorski, T., Hacker, T. J., Hansen, R. A., Rodgers, G. (2015). Experience with Problem-based Learning in a Hybrid Classroom. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE STC CC and RDA Workshop on Curricula and Teaching Methods in Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Data Science.
Hesameddin, P., Irfanoglu, A., Hacker, T. J. (2015). Effective Viscous Damping Ratio in Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Structures. The Joint 6th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering (6AESE) and 11th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (11ANCRiSST).
- Hesameddin, P., Irfanoglu, A., Hacker, T., & Rohler, B. (2015). Using Pegasus Scientific Workflows to Investigate Effects of Material Property Variations on Seismic Response of Steel Special Moment Resisting Frame. Conference proceeding paper and poster presentation based on reviewed abstract, American Society of Civil Engineers 2015 Structures Congress, Portland OR, April 23-25, 2015, pp. 2326-2335. doi:
- Pejsa, S., Dyke S, and Hacker T. (2014). Building Infrastructure for Preservation and Publication of Earthquake Engineering Research Data, International Journal of Digital Curation, University of Edinburgh and the Digital Curation Center, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 83-97. doi:10.2218/ijdc.v9i2.335
Esteves, R., Hacker, T., and Rong, C. (2014). A New Approach for Accurate Distributed Cluster Analysis for Big Data: Competitive K-means. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence (IJBDI), Inderscience Publishers, 1(1/2), 50-64. doi: 10.1504/IJBDI.2014.063844
Wlodarczyk, T.W., and Hacker, T.J. (2014). Current Trends in Predictive Analytics of Big Data. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence (IJBDI), Inderscience Publishers, Vol 1, No. 3, pp.172-180.
- Mohan, A., Hacker, T., Rodgers, G., & Islam, T. (2014). Batchsubmit: a High-Volume Batch Submission for Earthquake Engineering Simulation, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. doi:10.1002/cpe.3234.
- Wlodarczyk, T, & Hacker, T. (2014). Problem-based Learning Approach to a Course in Data Intensive Systems. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE STC CC and RDA Workshop on Curricula and Teaching Methods in Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Data Science, Singapore, December 2014.
- Hacker, T.J., & Lu, Y. (2014). An Instructional Cloud-Based Testbed for Image and Video Analytics. Workshop on Emerging Issues in Cloud Computing, Singapore, December 2014.
- Umamaheshwaran, S., & Hacker, T.J. (2014). Reliability Guided Resource Allocation for Large-Scale Systems. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2014), Singapore, December 2014.
- Hacker. T.J., & Magana, A. (2014). A Framework for Measuring the Impact and Effectiveness of the NEES Cyberinfrastructure for Earthquake Engineering. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2014), Singapore, December 2014.
- Hacker, T.J., Pejša S., & Browning, J. (2014). A Data Curation and Dissemination System for Earthquake Engineering. Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK, 2014.
- Browning, J. & Hacker, T. (2014). Promoting Re-Use of Earthquake Engineering Data through the NEEShub. Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK, 2014
- Khajehhesameddin, P., Irfanoglu A., & Hacker, T. J. (2014). Estimating the Peak Inelastic Displacement of Steel SMRF Deteriorating Structures Subjected to Series of Strong Ground Motions. In Proceedings of the 10th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Anchorage, Alaska. Oakland, CA: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.
- Hansen, R., Hacker, T., and Wlodarczyk, T. (2014). A collaborative, multinational curriculum and cyberinfrastructure for big data analytics. Proceedings of the 121st ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, June 15-18, Indianapolis, IN.
- Taleyarkhan, M., Alabi, O., Magana, A.J. and Hacker, T. (2014). An Exploratory Survey on User Perceptions and Adoption of Proceedings of the 121st ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, June 15-18, Indianapolis, IN.
- Khajehhesameddin, P., Irfanoglu, A., & Hacker, T. (2014) Estimating Peak Inelastic Displacement of Steel SMRF Structures Subjected to a Single or Series of Strong Ground Motions with Scaled Response Spectra. Structures Congress 2014, Structural Engineering Institute of American Society of Civil Engineers, April 3-5, Boston, MA. pp. 1904-1914. Poster presentation with full paper published in proceedings based on accepted abstract.
- Esteves, R., Hacker, T., and Rong, C. (December 2013). Competitive K-means A new accurate and distributed k-means algorithm for large datasets. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2013), December 2-5, Bristol, United Kingdom.
- Hacker, T., Eigenmann, R., Rahtje, E. (2013). Advancing Earthquake Engineering Research Through Cyberinfrastructure, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 139(7), 1099-1111:doi: 10.1061/(asce)st.1943-541x.0000712
- Mohan, A., Hacker, T., and Rodgers, G. (July 2013). Developing a High-Volume Batch Submission Systems for Earthquake Engineering, National Science Foundation XSEDE 2013 Conference, July 2013, San Diego, CA.
- Neilsen, J., and Hacker, T. (2012 November). Using Virtual Private Networks for Reliable VM Based HPC Systems.. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Sustainable HPC Cloud Workshop (SHPCloud 2012) Salt Lake City, UT.
- Pejsa, S., and Hacker, T. (April 2013), Curation of Earthquake Engineering Research Data, Proceedings of Archiving 2013, Society for Imaging Science and Technology, April 2-5, 2013, Washington, D.C.
- St. John, J., Nikolaidis, N., Hansen, R., and Hacker T. (June 2013). Experiences Developing International Partnerships for Education and Research in Computing, Proceedings of the 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, June 23-26, Atlanta, GA
- St. John, J, and Hacker, T (June 2012). Developing Virtual Clusters for High Performance Computing Using Open Nebula . Proceedings of the 119th ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition San Antonio, TX. (Best Paper Award, ASEE Computing and Information Technology Division.)
- Robison, N, and Hacker, T. (October 2012). Comparison of VM deployment Methods for HPC Education . Proceedings of the ACM Joint Conference on IT Education and Research in IT (SIGITE 2012) Calgary, Canada.
- Esteves, R., Hacker, T., and Rong, C. (December 2012). Parallel Competitive Fitness and Parallel K-means++: Two New Parallel Strategies for Seeding K-means. Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science Taipei, Taiwan.
- Hacker T.J., Romero, R., and Neilsen, J. (February 2012). Secure Live Migration of Parallel Applications Using Container Based Virtual Machines . International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing, Inderscience Publishing., 2(1), 45-57. (Invited paper.)
- Malik, Q. H., Perova, N., Hacker, T. J., Streveler, R. A., Magana, A. J., Vogt, P. L., & Bessenbache (December 2011). Creating a Virtual Learning Community with HUB Architecture: CLEERhub as a Case Study . Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)
- Hacker T. J., Eigenmann, R., Irfanoglu, A., Pujol, S., Rathje, E., Catlin, A., Bahchi, S. (July 2011). The NEEShub Cyberinfrastructure for Earthquake Engineering . IEEE Computing in Science & Engineering, 13(4), 67-78. (Invited Paper.)
- Hacker, T. J., Mahadik, K. (Nov 2011). Flexible Resource Allocation for Reliable Virtual Cluster Computing Systems . Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC11) Seattle, WA.
- Kumar, M., Hacker, T., Springer, J., Marshall, B. (July 2011). Kernel level support for workflow patterns. IEEE 2011 Fifth International Workshop on Scientific Workflows Washington, DC.
- Hacker, T. (July 2011). Exploring the Use of Virtual Machines and Virtual Clusters for High Performance Computing Education.. Proceedings of the 118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition Vancouver, BC.
- Romero, R., Hacker, T. (April 2011). Live Migration of Parallel Applications with OpenVZ. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Cloud Computing and Services (CCS2011).Singapore.
- Hacker, T., Springer, J. (November 2011). Turning the Tide of the Data Deluge. 1st Workshop on High-performance Computing Meets Databases, Seattle, WA: Supercomputing 2011.
- T. Hacker (June 2010). Hands-on High Performance Computing: Developing a Cluster Computing Course for Real World Supercomputing. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Louisville, KY.
- Eigenmann R., Hacker, T.J., & Rathje, E. (July 2010). NEES Cyberinfrastructure: A Foundation for Innovative Research and Education . Proceedings of the 9th US / 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering Toronto, ON.
- Marshall, B., Springer, J., & Hacker, T.J. (Dec 2010). Work in Progress: Integration of the Scientific Workflow Paradigm into High Performance Computing and Large Scale Data Management Curricula . Proceedings of the 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Washington, DC.
- Shiroor, A., Springer J., Hacker, T., Marshall, B., & Brewer, J. (2010). Scientific Workflow Management Systems and Workflow Patterns. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPM) , 5, 63-78.
- T. J. Hacker, F. Romero, C. D. Carothers (2009). An Analysis of Clustered Failures on Large Supercomputing Systems. In Press, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
- T. Hacker, K. Madhavan (June 2009). Developing a Research and Education Laboratory for High Performance Computing and Cyberinfrastucture. Proceedings of the 2009 American Society for Engineering Education Conference Austin, TX.
- T. J. Hacker, J. A. Springer (October 2008). Meeting the Data Challenge: Curriculum Development for Parallel Data Systems. Proceedings of the ACM SIGITE 2008 Conference Cincinnati, OH.
- Hacker, T.J., and Smith, P.M. (July 2008). Building a Network Simulation Model of the Teragrid Network.. Teragrid 08 Las Vegas, NV.
- Hacker, T.J., Springer, J.A., Schlueter, S.D, and Kane, M.D. (February 2008). Developing a Curriculum for High Performance Computing and Cyberinfrastructure Education.. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration New Orleans, LA.
- S. Lathrop, L. McGinnis, S. Brown, J. White, B. Armosky, J. Ferguson, T. Hacker, et. Al (June 2008). HPC University. Proceedings of the 3rd Teragrid 2008 Conference Las Vegas, NV.
- Hacker, T.J., Hansen, R. A., and Violand, R.A. (March 2008). An Analysis of TCP Alternatives for Reliable Transport in Current High-Speed Wide Area Networks. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on Telecommunications and Information Technology (ITERA 2008) Louisville, KY.
- Hacker, T.J., and Smith P.M. (March 2008). Stochastic TCP: A Statistical Approach to Congestion Avoidance.. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Protocols for FAST Long-Distance Networks (PFLDnet) Manchester, UK.
- Smith, P.M., Hacker, T.J., and Song, C.X. (April 2008). Implementing an Industrial-Strength Academic Cyberinfrastructure at Purdue University. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Desktop Grids and Volunteer Computing Miami, FL.
- M. Dark, J. Goldman, T. Hacker, B. Marshall, A. Smith (March 2008). Dark Web Patterns. Proceedings of WebSci'09 Athens, Greece.
- Hacker, T.J., and Bertoline, G. (July 2008). A Curriculum for Petascale Computing. Teragrid 08 Las Vegas, NV.
- Hacker, T., Meglicki, G. (June 2007). Using Queue Structures to Improve Job Reliability . Proceedings of the 16th Annual IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 07) Monterey, CA.
- Hacker, T., Wheeler, B. (January 2007). Making Research Cyberinfrastructure a Strategic Choice . EDUCAUSE Quarterly EDUCAUSE., 30, No. 1, 21 - 29.
- Hacker, T., Noble, B., Athey, B. (July 2005). Adaptive Data Block Scheduling for Parallel TCP Streams. 14th International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-14) Research Triangle Park, NC.
- Hacker, T., Noble, B., Athey, B. (March 2004). Improving Throughput and Maintaining Fairness using Parallel TCP. Proceedings of INFOCOM 2004 Hong Kong, .
- Kirschner, B., Hacker, T., Adamson, W., Athey, B., (November 2004). Walden: A Scalable Solution for Grid Account Management. Proceedings of Grid2004 Pittsburgh, PA.
- Hacker, T., Athey, B., Noble, B. (April 2002). The End-to-End Performance Effects of Parallel TCP Sockets on a Lossy Wide-Area Network. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE-CS/ACM International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
- Thigpen, B., Hacker, T., McGinnis L. (2002). Distributed Accounting on the Grid. Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS)
- Hacker, T., Athey, B., Sommerfeld, J., Walker, D. (October 2002). Experiences Using Web100 for Visible Human Testbeds. Proceedings of the Fourth Visible Human Conference Keystone, CO.
- Hacker, T., Noble, B., Athey, B. (November 2002). The Effects of Systemic Packet Loss on Aggregate TCP Flows. Proceedings of Supercomputing 2002 Baltimore, MD.
- Hacker, T., Athey, B. (Novemer 2001). A Methodology for Account Management in Grid Computing Environments. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Grid Computing Denver, CO: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Spinger Verlag Press.
- Hacker, T. (August 1993). The Design and Implementation of an AFP/AFS Protocol Translator. University of Michigan Center for Information Technology Integration Technical Report 93-5 Ann Arbor, MI.
Government and University Reports
- Arafune, L., Brunson D., Hacker, T., & Smith, P. (2021). Report of the Workshop Building the Research Innovation Workforce: A workshop to identify new insights and directions to advance the research computing community. Final report from NSF funded workshop available at
- Wang, L., Shontz, S., & Hacker, T. J. (2017). Report of the 2016 NSF CyberBridges Workshop. Available at
- Wang, L., Hacker, T., & Shontz, S. (2016). Report of the 2015 NSF CyberBridges Workshop. Developing the Next Generation of Cyberinfrastructure Faculty for Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering. Available at
- Hacker, T. & Shontz, S. (2015). Report of the 2014 NSF CyberBridges Workshop. Developing the Next Generation of Cyberinfrastructure Faculty for Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering. Available at
- Shontz, S. & Hacker, T.J. (2014). Report of the 2013 NSF CyberBridges Workshop. Developing the Next Generation of Cyberinfrastructure Faculty for Computational and Data-enabled Science and Engineering. Available at
- Hacker, T.J., & Shontz, S. (2012). Report of the 2012 NSF CyberBridges Workshop. Developing the Next Generation of Cyberinfrastructure Faculty for Computational and Data-enabled Science and Engineering. Available at
- T. Hacker, C. Carothers (2009, March). An Analysis of Clustered Failures on Large Supercomputing Systems. NSF Workshop on Fault Tolerance for Extreme-Scale Computing, Albuquerque, NM.
- T. J. Hacker, G. Bertoline (2008, July). A Curriculum for Petascale Computing for the Great Lakes Petascale Consortium Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering. Ann Arbor, MI.
- T. Hacker (October 2008). Reviewer. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
- T. Hacker (April 2008). Reviewer. Journal of Grid Computing
- T. Hacker (July 2007). Reviewer. International Journal of High Performance Computing Application
Industry Engagement:
2016 - present - Purdue University
Professor, Department of Computer and Information Technology -
2021 - 2024 - Purdue University
Professor and Department Head, Department of Computer and Information Technology -
2018 - 2021 - Purdue University
Interim Department Head, Department of Computer and Information Technology -
2011 - 2016 - Purdue University
Associate Professor, Computer & Information Technology -
2007 - 2011 - Purdue University
Assistant Professor, Computer & Information Technology -
2007- 2011 - Purdue University Discovery Park Cyber Center
Research Assistant Professor, Courtesy Appointment -
2006 - 2007 - Purdue University, Discovery Park Cyber Center
Research Assistant Professor -
2004 - 2006 - Indiana University, University Information Technology Services
Associate Director of Research and Academic Computing -
1997 - 2004 - University of Michigan, Center for Advanced Computing
Systems Research Programmer / Systems Project Coordinator -
1994 - 1996 - Storage Technology Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI
Software Engineer -
1993 - 1994 - University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK Canada
Laboratory Coordinator/Systems Programmer
1991 - 1993 - University of Michigan, Center for Information Technology Integration (CITI)
Systems Research Programmer
1989 - 1991 - Oakland University, Rochester, MI, Office of Computer Services
Systems Programmer
- Consultant, Weil, Gotshal, & Manges LLP, 2009-2010
- Consultant, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2006
- Consultant, Fidelity Investments, Boston, MA, 1999
- Consultant, A.J. Boggs & Company, Ann Arbor, MI, 1994
Professional Affiliations: