2024.11 |
Congratulations to Anuj on his thesis defense! |
2024.11 |
Congratulations to Yifei on a brilliant dissertation defense! |
2024.05 |
Congratulations to Geetanjali, Yifei, Damin all have their papers accepted at NAFIPS'24, with Geetanjali and Yifei being awarded outstanding student paper and an honorable mention. |
2024.05 |
Congratulations to Nadine on ACL Findings acceptance! |
2024.05 |
Congratulations to Nadine and Damin on passing prelims. |
2023.07 |
Congratulations to Kanishka on a highly successful PhD defense! Well done! |
2023.06 | Team BoilerBot (Alex, Jacob, Jinen, Jack, Yifei, Damin, Julia) has advanced to Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge 2 semifinals! See official announcement. |
2023.05 | Congrats to Kanishka on EACL BEST PAPER AWARD! |
2023.04 | Congratulations to Geetanjali on a highly successful proposal defense! |
2023.03 | Congrats to Subia on passing her prelims! |
2023.03 | Congrats to Kanishka on Bilsland Fellowship! |
2023.03 | Congrats to Yi on passing his preliminary examination! |
2023.02 | Team BoilerBot (Alex, Jacob, Jinen, Jack, Yifei, Damin, Julia) is selected for Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge 2 representing Purdue University! See official announcement. |
2022.11 | Congrats to Kanishka on a highly successful MIT talk! |
2022.11 | Congratulations to Byungkyu on his thesis defense! |
2022.10 | Congratulations to Yifei on passing his PhD preliminary examination! |
2022.09 | Congratulations to Sweta on winning Tapia's best student research award! |
2022.08 | Congratulations to Shannon on a very successful PhD defense! |
2022.05 | Congratulations to Kanishka on his invitation (and acceptance) to co-organize Neural Network Models of Cognition workshop at CogSci'22! |
2022.04 | Congrats to Yi on a successful MS defense! |
2022.03 | Congratulations to Damin and Geetanjali on their paper acceptance to FLAIRS'35! |
2022.02 | Congratulations to Kanishka on a successful PhD proposal defense! |
2022.01 | Congratulations to Kanishka on being selected to be a graduate student fellow in Purdue inaugural Mentor Fellows program! |
2021.12 | Congrats to Yi on a successful MS proposal defense! |
2021.11 | Congratulations to David on a successful MS proposal defense! |
2021.11 | Congratulations to Byungkyu on a successful MS proposal defense! |
2021.11 | Congratulations to Damin on a successful MS defense! |
2021.10 | Congrats to Kanishka on passing his prelims! |
2021.10 | Congrats to Geetanjali on passing her prelims! |
2021.07 | Congratulations to Tatiana on a successful PhD defense! |
2021.05 | Congratulations to Tatiana on an acceptence to Findings of ACL! |
2021.04 | Congratulations to Tatiana on NAFIPS Outstanding Student Paper award (2nd place) and to Kanishka on the honorable mention (3rd place)! |
2021.04 | Congratulations to Geetanjali on a DeepLIO workshop paper acceptance at NAACL! |
2021.04 | Congratulations to Kanishka on CogSci Full Paper with Talk acceptance! |
2021.04 | Congratulations to Julia on being promoted to Full Professor! See detail! |
2021.03 | Congratulations to Shannon, Carol, Yi, Tatiana, Kanishka, and Geetanjali on their papers being accepted to NAFIPS'21! |
2021.03 | Congratulations to Yifei, Shannon, Carol, Yi, and Byungkyu on their papers being accepted to FLAIRS'34! |
2021.01 | Congratulations to Soumya on her new job at Siemens! |
2020.12 | Congratulations to Shih-Feng on his PhD proposal defense! |
2020.11 | Congratulations to Yifei on a successful MS defense! |
2020.11 | Congratulations to Shannon on a paper acceptance to Data Analytics on Social Media workshop of WI'20! |
2020.11 | Congratulations to Kanishka on a successful MS defense! |
2020.10 | Congratulations to Geetanjali on a paper acceptance to WI'20! |
2020.10 | Congratulations to Kanishka on an accepted presentation to BlackboxNLP 2020! |
2020.08 | Congratulations to Kanishka on an acceptance of his paper to Findings of EMNLP! |
2020.08 | Congrats to Carol, Yi, Kanishka, Yifei, and Shannon on their papers being accepted to ICCI*CC'20! |
2020.07 | Congrats to Tatiana on the best student paper award at NAFIPS'20! |
2020.06 | Congrats to Soumya on her paper acceptance to ICCM2020! |
2020.05 | Congrats to Kanishka and Tatiana on acceptance of their papers to NAFIPS'2020! |
2020.04 | Congrats to Carol, Yi, and their mentor Kanishka on second place at the PURC 2020! See detail. |
2020.04 | Congrats to Geetanjali on a successsfull MS defense! |
Group Events
End of 2017 Party