

Congratulations to Anuj on his thesis defense!


Congratulations to Yifei on a brilliant dissertation defense!


Congratulations to Geetanjali, Yifei, Damin all have their papers accepted at NAFIPS'24, with Geetanjali and Yifei being awarded outstanding student paper and an honorable mention.


Congratulations to Nadine on ACL Findings acceptance!


Congratulations to Nadine and Damin on passing prelims.


Congratulations to Kanishka on a highly successful PhD defense! Well done!
2023.06 Team BoilerBot (Alex, Jacob, Jinen, Jack, Yifei, Damin, Julia) has advanced to Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge 2 semifinals! See official announcement.
2023.05 Congrats to Kanishka on EACL BEST PAPER AWARD!
2023.04 Congratulations to Geetanjali on a highly successful proposal defense!
2023.03 Congrats to Subia on passing her prelims!
2023.03 Congrats to Kanishka on Bilsland Fellowship!
2023.03 Congrats to Yi on passing his preliminary examination!
2023.02 Team BoilerBot (Alex, Jacob, Jinen, Jack, Yifei, Damin, Julia) is selected for Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge 2 representing Purdue University! See official announcement.
2022.11 Congrats to Kanishka on a highly successful MIT talk!
2022.11 Congratulations to Byungkyu on his thesis defense!
2022.10 Congratulations to Yifei on passing his PhD preliminary examination!
2022.09 Congratulations to Sweta on winning Tapia's best student research award!
2022.08 Congratulations to Shannon on a very successful PhD defense!
2022.05 Congratulations to Kanishka on his invitation (and acceptance) to co-organize Neural Network Models of Cognition workshop at CogSci'22!
2022.04 Congrats to Yi on a successful MS defense!
2022.03 Congratulations to Damin and Geetanjali on their paper acceptance to FLAIRS'35!
2022.02 Congratulations to Kanishka on a successful PhD proposal defense!
2022.01 Congratulations to Kanishka on being selected to be a graduate student fellow in Purdue inaugural Mentor Fellows program!
2021.12 Congrats to Yi on a successful MS proposal defense!
2021.11 Congratulations to David on a successful MS proposal defense!
2021.11 Congratulations to Byungkyu on a successful MS proposal defense!
2021.11 Congratulations to Damin on a successful MS defense!
2021.10 Congrats to Kanishka on passing his prelims!
2021.10 Congrats to Geetanjali on passing her prelims!
2021.07 Congratulations to Tatiana on a successful PhD defense!
2021.05 Congratulations to Tatiana on an acceptence to Findings of ACL!
2021.04 Congratulations to Tatiana on NAFIPS Outstanding Student Paper award (2nd place) and to Kanishka on the honorable mention (3rd place)!
2021.04 Congratulations to Geetanjali on a DeepLIO workshop paper acceptance at NAACL!
2021.04 Congratulations to Kanishka on CogSci Full Paper with Talk acceptance!
2021.04 Congratulations to Julia on being promoted to Full Professor! See detail!
2021.03 Congratulations to Shannon, Carol, Yi, Tatiana, Kanishka, and Geetanjali on their papers being accepted to NAFIPS'21!
2021.03 Congratulations to Yifei, Shannon, Carol, Yi, and Byungkyu on their papers being accepted to FLAIRS'34!
2021.01 Congratulations to Soumya on her new job at Siemens!
2020.12 Congratulations to Shih-Feng on his PhD proposal defense!
2020.11 Congratulations to Yifei on a successful MS defense!
2020.11 Congratulations to Shannon on a paper acceptance to Data Analytics on Social Media workshop of WI'20!
2020.11 Congratulations to Kanishka on a successful MS defense!
2020.10 Congratulations to Geetanjali on a paper acceptance to WI'20!
2020.10 Congratulations to Kanishka on an accepted presentation to BlackboxNLP 2020!
2020.08 Congratulations to Kanishka on an acceptance of his paper to Findings of EMNLP!
2020.08 Congrats to Carol, Yi, Kanishka, Yifei, and Shannon on their papers being accepted to ICCI*CC'20!
2020.07 Congrats to Tatiana on the best student paper award at NAFIPS'20!
2020.06 Congrats to Soumya on her paper acceptance to ICCM2020!
2020.05 Congrats to Kanishka and Tatiana on acceptance of their papers to NAFIPS'2020!
2020.04 Congrats to Carol, Yi, and their mentor Kanishka on second place at the PURC 2020! See detail.
2020.04 Congrats to Geetanjali on a successsfull MS defense!

Group Events 

End of 2017 Party 

Christmas Party 2017