Office of Globalization

We have moved offices!  You can now find us on the 5th floor of Dudley Hall (Gateway Building) 


Check Design Your Global Experience page for opportunities.

Graduating in May?  You CAN study abroad the term immediately following your graduation! (Maymester)  

Contact to discuss your options.


While the world continues to get smaller, Purdue Polytechnic global and cultural opportunities continue to grow. The Office of Globalization in the Purdue Polytechnic Institute focuses on the global reach of the college through a variety of programs. Elizabeth Barajas, M.A., Director of Globalization, and Global Programs Specialists Jen Ramos, M.A. and Misty Clugh work to seek, initiate and sustain


  • International student exchanges
  • Faculty exchanges
  • Undergraduate/graduate group research collaboration
  • Dual/Joint degree options
  • Departmental study abroad programs
  • International industrial internships
  • Industrial problem solving
  • Indiana Industrial economic/international development.
  • Strategic Global Alliances

All students in the Purdue Polytechnic Institute can choose to gain an enriched perspective of the global marketplace through a multitude of global experiences that both interest and benefit the student and his or her chosen path of study.

You can now earn a minor as part of your global experience with the new Advanced Global Technology Minor.

Follow Us on Instagram and Facebook at TechGoGlobal

The Office of Globalization acknowledges the traditional homelands of the Indigenous People which Purdue University is built upon. We honor and appreciate the Bodéwadmik (Potawatomi), Lenape (Delaware), Myaamia (Miami), and Shawnee People who are the original Indigenous caretakers.


Technological University Dublin in Dublin, Ireland

"Attending DIT for a semester has changed me in so many aspects of my life. I now feel like I am able to thrive in any situation I am put into. I have a greater awareness of other cultures and a desire to learn more about them. Studying in Dublin was one of the best experiences of my life and if I could do it all over again, I would. The courses over there were enjoyable and the content that I was taught was exactly what I would have been learning here at Purdue. After studying abroad I feel like it should be required for every student to do it. Not only because it is such an enjoyable experience but also because of how much it changes you for the better. Studying abroad broadens your horizons and challenges you to get out of your comfort zone and try something you normally wouldn't do. I know while I was abroad I did countless things I wouldn't normally do while at Purdue and I find myself doing those things now that I am back at Purdue. I would highly recommend that anyone who has any interest in studying abroad should do it. You won't regret it as looking back on it I believe it was one of the best decisions I have made while attending Purdue."

-Conner Grant- MET 2016