Primary Area
Number | Name | CR |
ENGT 50100 | Research Seminar | 1 |
Statistics | Graduate-level statistics selective | 3 |
MET 50300 | Applied Optimization | 3 |
Selective | Primary Area Selective or Related Area Elective | 3 |
Related Area
Research Specific Courses
TECH 64600 | Research Methods and Writing Selective | 3 |
MET/EET 69800 | Research MS Thesis | 9 |
PLEASE NOTE: Each student must work with his or her major faculty advisor and committee to develop their final plan of study. The plan of study is subject to unanimous approval of the student’s advisory committee and the SoET Graduate Education Committee Chair.
*If student has already taken STAT 301, do not take STAT 501. Choice of STAT’s course depends on student’s research topic and/or methodology