
Why should I choose Purdue?

The curriculum is designed to provide management techniques in the various subject material, providing you with the tools to function and lead at a higher level. Purdue is a tier-one research university; as you complete your research, you can "steer" it in the direction toward your goals. It will increase your knowledge in that particular area, and your discipline in completing a doctoral level degree program as well as your research and dissertation will reveal to future (and current) employers of your expertise and dedication in that area.


Is this degree accredited?

The graduate programs within the Purdue University system are accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, one of six regional institutional accreditors in the United States. Programs have specific accreditations in their particular fields of study


How are the courses delivered?

As a Purdue graduate student, you will be taking classes in an online environment. Instructors provide the material, lectures, tests, and assignments that may be accessed at any time. Your lectures are not time-restricted, meaning you don't need to be logged in to preview your course material at a specific time.

All of your course activities, assignments, and exams must be completed by their respective due dates, and you will need to view course lectures regularly.  The typical length of our courses are 16-weeks each spring and fall semesters; summer session course length may vary


What computer requirements are needed to take an online course?

Only internet access is needed. Any additional special software needed is provided to you once you are a Purdue student. These include Minitab, Matlab, Adobe Products, etc.


What is the difference between the Online DTech degree and a PhD?

The majority of Ph.D.s are earned as a means of contributing original research findings to an academic community, field of study, or professional discipline. With a Ph.D. you generate new theory.
Although the D.Tech. is also research-based, it emphasizes reviewing existing bodies of knowledge and proposing questions for the purpose of solving a problem and application to a real-world setting. With the DTech degree you begin with a place of practice rather than a theory statement.  Please contact us if you have additional questions about how the DTech is a preferred advanced degree for working/career professionals.


How do I search for a faculty member to serve as my major professor?

You are welcome to search the Purdue Polytechnic web page (search by the department based on your interest, then click on ‘directory’ for faculty information) for faculty that may align with your interests and goals.  If you find faculty of interest, you may contact them in advance or during the admissions process.  The application provides a section for applicants to list faculty who meet their interests – however this is not required.

If you are not certain about this process, our staff can assist in this process if your application is recommended for admission.


How will I be graded?

Students are graded based on their performance in class. The courses we offer online will have various methods for grading depending on the specific requirements for a given class. Students can expect to experience any combination of homework, graded exam, final project, groupwork or graded reports. Doctor of Technology Dissertation research (TECH 64000) is graded as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory (S/U). Purdue Grading Scale​


How many hours per week should I expect to dedicate to a course?

Plan to spend 3-5 hours per week of study time for each 1 credit-hour. However, some courses may not require as much of your time, and others may require more.


How long will it take me to obtain a doctorate degree?

You can complete the doctorate degree in 3-7 years. The time span to completing your degree depends on you.  We will be glad to advise and keep you on track to meet your goals.


Do students in the program work full-time? How manageable is it to juggle family, career, and education?

This program is designed for full-time working professional student. The majority of students enrolled in the program are full-time employees and part-time students. We realize that professional students juggle many responsibilities. Our program allows students flexibility in registering for courses.


Is there a publication requirement for my dissertation?

Yes, all DTech students are required to write and submit a research paper to one of the following sources: a refereed (peer-reviewed) journal, a professional trade journal, or a refereed or reviewed conference proceeding. Evidence that the paper is “in review” (i.e., submitted and under consideration) is sufficient to demonstrate the student understands how to create and present scholarship and research in a public venue. It is not necessary that the paper be accepted for publication to satisfy this requirement. However, the student will be required to prove that the paper was the student’s original work, was properly APA-formatted, and complied with the journal or conference submission requirements.  


Are the GRE or GMAT exams required?

No, the GRE or GMAT exams are not required. The Admissions Committee reviews all other admission materials submitted to determine an admission decision. Please review the admission requirements before submitting your application. 


Is the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) required?

International degree-seeking applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit proof of English proficiency. The Purdue Graduate school accepts the TOEFL or the International English language Testing Systems scores (IELTS) for admission. You can view the Purdue Graduate School’s minimum TOEFL and IELTS’ requirements here. Please contact us if you have additional or specific questions not addressed at the Graduate School FAQ site.


Can I transfer any credits into the degree? 

Coursework from the Master’s Degree Program (maximum of 30 credits)

Students may be eligible to transfer up to 30 credits of coursework from a completed and awarded master’s degree program. The review committee is looking for the following criteria to be met:

  • The master to be in a technology-related field (MBAs are also accepted)
  • Your degree is awarded from an accredited institution 
  • That you have received a B or better in the courses

This review is a part of the admissions process and begins once you have completed your application. If admitted into the program, you will find out the number of credits that will transfer at that time.


Transfer Course Credits (limited to a maximum of 12 hours)

On some occasions, we accept an additional 12 credits from a previous doctoral degree that was started but not completed. Credits submitted for transfer must meet the following requirements of the Graduate School transfer policy:

  • Consistent with the current curriculum
  • Completed with grades B or better from an accredited institution 
  • Not used toward the requirements of another degree program
  • Research credits may not  be transferred; only course credits may be transferred

This review is a part of the admissions process and begins once you are admitted. If admitted into the program, you will find out at that time the number of credits that will transfer in.


What if I don’t have the required GPA in my Master's of Science, should I still apply?

Yes, we ask that you inform us of the low GPA so we may determine the best course of action. We understand that you’ve built a successful career as a professional and there may have been special circumstances that affected your GPA. The Admissions Committee may suggest you be admitted conditionally- and we will explain any additional requirements you may need to meet. Your Statement of Purpose e is the most appropriate way to address  special circumstances surrounding your Baccalaureate GPA and/or Master's GPA, such as how you plan to convert these experiences into success as a graduate student.


What should be included in my Statement of Purpose?

The statement of purpose should be 300-500 words addressing your purpose for undertaking or continuing graduate study, your reasons for wanting to study at Purdue, and your research interests, professional plans, and career goals. You also may explain any special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on your scholarly publications, awards, achievements, abilities, and/or professional history.


Who should write my Letter of Recommendations?

The best letters you can secure are those from a current/past Employer, previous professors, tutors and other mentors. Never ask family members or close friends.


What are the admission term application deadlines?

Although applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis, we have deadlines for each term. We will work with you past the final deadline, but we ask you keep us updated with your status.

  • Fall Semester - July 31st
  • Spring Semester - November 30th
  • Summer Semester - April 1

What happens after I apply?

The admission process starts when all admission requirements have been met. The process may take up to 1-2 weeks, depending on the size of the applicant pool.

  • Step 1 - Screening: confirming all minimum admission requirements are successfully met
  • Step 2 - First Pass: first round of reviews with our department (may include a virtual or phone interview)
  • Step 3 - Second Pass: remaining department faculty determines and shares recommendation status to the Graduate School
  • Step 4 - Final Recommendation: Graduate School reviews admission materials and determines admission status
  • Step 5 - Decision: admission of recommendation determined and shared with the applicant

Our staff is available if you have questions during this process.

Additional Information

Are there any available scholarships or fellowships for the Doctor of Technology?

The Polytechnic Institute does not offer any fellowships or scholarships for the online D. Tech. There are a number of financial assistance options to help defray the costs of enrolling in a graduate professional program. These include Stafford loans, graduate PLUS loans, military programs, and loans from private lenders. Through myPurdue, you can monitor your financial aid funding and make sure the proper payments are made in a timely fashion.


Do you assist with job placement?

We work with the Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) for any career related services.


What academic resources are available to online students?

The same academic resources are available to both online and on-campus Purdue students.