Fall 2021 Meeting

Manufacturing Cybersecurity – A Discussion of Current and Future Challenges and Opportunities

2021 Fall Meeting

December 9, 2021
9:00AM – 12:00 PM Eastern Time

Recorded Meeting Video




9:00 AM – 9:10 AM

Opening Remarks

Nathan Hartman – Professor and Department Head, Computer Graphics Technology and DEC Director

9:10 AM – 9:30 AM

Manufacturing Cybersecurity – A Holistic View

What trends and drivers are influencing the increased focus in manufacturing cybersecurity?  What factors are hindering or compelling increased implementation?

Gabriela Ciocarlie – Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UTSA
Vice President for Securing Automation and Secure Manufacturing Architecture, CyManII

9:30 AM – 10:10 AM

Manufacturing Cybersecurity – Challenges

Why are manufacturing cybersecurity measures so challenging to implement?  How does the topology of the manufacturing network impact cybersecurity implementation – especially when discussing risk and compliance aspects? How do technology providers adapt their solutions to meet the wide range of industry sectors, company capabilities, and customer demands, and fast-changing threats?

Nathan Hartman – Professor and Department Head, Computer Graphics Technology and DEC Director

Dwayne Smith – Director of Enterprise Cybersecurity, Cummins

Rebecca Faerber – Manufacturing Cyber Security Program Manager, Ford Motor Company

10:10 AM – 10:50 AM

Manufacturing Cybersecurity – Current State

What is the current state of manufacturing cybersecurity implementation? What are the primary factors driving and hindering implementation?

Nathan Hartman – Professor and Department Head, Computer Graphics Technology and DEC Director

Joe Beckman – Lead Information Technology Security Analyst, CyberTAP

Jeff Daniels – Director, Model Based Engineering and Automation Center of Excellence, Lockheed Martin

10:50 AM – 11:00 AM


11:00 AM – 11:40 AM

Manufacturing Cybersecurity – Future State

Where are manufacturing cybersecurity technologies headed? What is being done to accelerate the development and adoption of manufacturing cybersecurity measures (e.g., technology development, workforce skills, low-cost accessible resources for SMEs)?

Nathan Hartman – Professor and Department Head, Computer Graphics Technology and DEC Director

Scott Arboleda – Senior Engineer for Manufacturing Cybersecurity and IIoT, Ford Motor Company  

Robert Bierwagen – Vice President of Digital Strategy, MPI Corporation

11:40 AM – 12:00 PM

Closing Remarks

Nathan Hartman – Professor and Department Head, Computer Graphics Technology and DEC Director