Faculty and Staff Directory
Abdallah, Mustafa | Courtesy Appointment as an Assistant Professor |
765-495-7801 abdalla0@purdue.edu |
Achor, Janet | Professor Emeritus | achor@purdue.edu |
Achor, D. Perry | Professor Emeritus | achord@purdue.edu |
Adamo, Nicoletta | Professor and Director of the IDEA Laboratory, Interim Head of Computer Graphics Technology |
765-496-1297 nadamovi@purdue.edu |
Aguirre, Milton | Assistant Professor |
765-496-0782 meaguirr@purdue.edu |
Akdere, Mesut | Professor & Director, Purdue HRD VR Lab |
765-494-1213 makdere@purdue.edu |
Akridge, Jennifer | Business Manager, Aviation Technology, CMT & POPI |
765-496-6253 jakridge@purdue.edu |
Alenskis, Brian A. | Professor Emeritus of Engineering Technology | alenskis@purdue.edu |
Alexander, Archibald | Professor Emeritus | aalexander@purdue.edu |
Allen, Richard W. | Aircraft Maintenance Technician |
765-494-6784 allenrw@purdue.edu |
Allison, Chris S. | Lecturer |
765-496-0795 callison@purdue.edu |
Alter, Kirk | Professor Emeritus | alterk@purdue.edu |
Alwine, Sarah | Marketing Administrator |
765-496-0510 alwine7@purdue.edu |
Anderson, Felicia | Senior Administrative Assistant |
765-494-2552 fanderso@purdue.edu |
Anderson, Connor | Continuing Lecturer - Flight Instructor | ander938@purdue.edu |
Anthony, Christopher | Student Affairs Coordinator |
765-496-7858 anthony1@purdue.edu |
Anthrop, Heather | Executive Assistant to Department Head |
765-494-4545 hanthrop@purdue.edu |
Asunda, Paul | Associate Professor |
7654960266 pasunda@purdue.edu |
Athinarayanan, Ragu | Professor |
765-494-0448 rathinar@purdue.edu |
Aubrey, Russell | Professor Emeritus of ECET | aubreyr@purdue.edu |
Avellana, Ernie | Chief Development Officer |
765-496-5117 epavellana@purdueforlife.org |